How to 10x Your Dispensary Sales with This 1 Simple Hack

How to 10x Your Dispensary Sales with This 1 Simple Hack

In the fiercely competitive cannabis industry, dispensary owners deal with a number of challenges. From standing out in an increasingly saturated market to fostering customer loyalty, the hurdles can seem daunting, especially if you are a new dispensary starting out. However, what if there was one simple hack that could potentially 10x your dispensary sales? Imagine a strategy so effective that it not only draws customers in, but also keeps them coming back, boosting your brand's visibility and credibility in the process. In this blog, we will be sharing the game-changing hack that has worked for so many of our clients and guide you on how to implement it for exponential growth.

The Power of Custom Branding in the Cannabis Industry

Branding in the cannabis industry is much more than a pretty logo or catchy slogan; it's the very substance of your identity, specifically designed to resonate with your target audience. In a market where products are often viewed as commodities, a strong brand can distinguish a dispensary that thrives from one that merely survives.

Take, for instance, successful dispensaries like Cookies or Madmen. These brands have not only established themselves as industry leaders but also cultivated a customer base that remains loyal to their products. How did they achieve this? Much of their success stems from strong branding. These dispensaries differentiate their products through custom branding, whether it’s unique custom cannabis packaging or branded merchandise. For example, offering custom rolling papers, custom rolling trays, and custom pre-rolled cones can boost brand awareness and foster a deeper connection with customers.

When a customer uses a custom rolling tray or custom rolling paper with your branding, they're not just using a product—they're experiencing your brand as part of their routine. Every time they roll up, they are reminded of your brand, reinforcing their loyalty to your dispensary. This continuous brand exposure naturally leads to increased sales, as customers become more loyal and will keep on coming back to your dispensary.

How to 10x Your Dispensary Sales with This 1 Simple Hack

The Simple Hack to 10x Your Dispensary Sales

What's a simple hack that could 10x your dispensary sales?

Offering custom-branded rolling papers, trays, and pre-rolled cones as part of your dispensary's product line-up. This isn't just about slapping your logo on a product; it's about truly integrating these custom items into your entire brand experience and really understanding who your consumer is.

Why does this work so effectively?

Custom cannabis products serve as a constant reminder of your brand. When customers purchase custom rolling papers or trays, they are actually buying more than just a product—they're buying into your brand. This approach fosters customer loyalty because it feels exclusive and personalized. Additionally, these custom items boost brand recognition, especially when used in social settings, where your brand naturally becomes part of the conversation.

Moreover, offering custom products adds value to your offerings. People are willing to pay more for products that exclusive. By adding custom rolling papers and trays to your inventory, you're not just selling a commodity—you're selling a branded experience that can set your dispensary apart from the rest.

Implementation – How to Get Started

Step 1: Identify Your Brand’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Before diving into custom products, it’s crucial to define what makes your dispensary unique. What do you offer that others don’t? Your USP could be anything from the quality of your products to the personalized service you provide. Once you’ve identified your USP, connect it with custom branding opportunities. For instance, if your dispensary prides itself on sustainability, you could offer eco-friendly custom rolling papers made from organic materials such as hemp rolling papers. To compliment that, you could opt for the custom vegan rolling trays or custom bamboo rolling trays, as these products are in alignment with your clients.

Step 2: Partner with a Trusted Supplier

Finding a reliable supplier such as for your custom rolling papers, trays, and pre-rolled cones is key to ensuring quality. Look for suppliers such as us who specialize in the cannabis industry and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality custom products. Quality matters because your brand will be directly associated with these items. Poor quality products can damage your brand's reputation, so choose your supplier wisely.

Step 3: Launch and Promote

Once you have your custom products ready, it’s time to launch them. Promote these products both in-store and online. Use social media to showcase the unique designs and benefits of your custom items. Consider running special promotions or bundle deals to encourage customers to try them out. Email marketing can also be an effective way to highlight these new offerings to your existing customer base.

How to 10x Your Dispensary Sales with This 1 Simple Hack

Measuring Success and Scaling Up

Tracking Sales Growth

To understand the impact of your new custom products, track sales data before and after the launch. Look for trends in repeat purchases, average order value, and customer retention rates. These metrics will help you gauge the success of your custom branding efforts.

Customer Feedback

Gathering customer feedback is essential for refining your offerings. Encourage customers to share their thoughts on the new custom products. Use this feedback to make improvements or expand your custom product line.

Scaling the Hack

Once you’ve seen success with custom rolling papers and trays, consider expanding your custom product line. You could introduce branded apparel, custom grinders, or even limited-edition items. The goal is to continuously innovate and provide your customers with new, exciting products that keep them engaged with your brand ad coming back for more.


Custom branded products, such as rolling papers, trays, and pre-rolled cones, offer a simple yet powerful way to 10x your dispensary sales. By integrating these items into your product line-up, you can enhance brand visibility, build customer loyalty, and differentiate your dispensary from the competition. Now is the time to take action—explore the possibilities of custom branding and start reaping the benefits.  If you are ready to start adding these custom products in to your dispensary, check out our website where you will be able to see the full range of products we can customize for your dispensary.



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